
New Year's Eve Weekend Event

December 31 - January 2, 2022

Come celebrate the new year in community AND the grand opening of Yoga On The Insides first ever flagship studio! This will be the first workshop Eddie and Kristin will be hosting in person since the beginning of the pandemic. To honor the guidelines recommended by the CDC in regards to Covid-19 best practices, spots for this workshop are extremely limited and masks will be required to participate in this workshop. Registration is on a first come first serve basis so if you wish to participate in this training do not hesitate and sign up at your earliest convenience. Additionally, there will be a $200 non refundable deposit to reserve your spot in this training since space is so limited. The deposit goes towards the total cost of the workshop and is NOT an additional charge. If paying in full, the deposit will come out of the initial $500. If choosing a payment plan, the deposit will be taken out of the first payment installment.

This will be a 3 day long weekend workshop starting Friday, December 31st- Sunday, January 2nd, 2022. The schedule is listed below:
  • Friday: Opening ritual and practice, 5pm-8pm
  • Saturday: 9am-12pm, Lunch Break 12pm-2pm, Resume 2pm-4pm
  • Sunday: 9am-12pm, Lunch Break 12pm-2pm, Resume 2pm-4pm

Investment: $500

* Payment Plans Available
* All payments must be paid in full before the start date of the workshop.
* This workshop does not include any accommodations. Any and all accommodations are to be arranged by the participants.

Yoga On The Inside Studio Address and location: Will be given on your EMAILED receipt AFTER your purchase. Please keep an eye out in your email and hold on to your receipt. If you do not receive your receipt for any reason, please contact

"Go Inside" An Asana & Pranayama Intensive with Eddie and Kristin

September 27 - October 1, 2021

As the fall season approaches and asks us to shift our attention and energy inward, we invite you to join us for ” Go Inside,” our 5 day long yoga asana and pranayama intensive. We are excited to come together, dive deep into these practices and come back to living and leading from our heart spaces. To get the most out of your immersion, please have the following props; 1 yoga chair, 1-2 blocks, 1-2 straps, 3-5 blankets, 1-2 bolsters. If you do not have access to the above resources please just let us know and variations will always be offered. All levels are welcome and we look forward to practicing with you.

Go Inside: A Yoga Asana and Pranayama Intensive with Eddie Modestini and Kristin Bosteels

september 27 - october 1, 2021

Time: 10:30am-12:30pm PST
Cost: $350
Register: Please email

As the fall season approaches and asks us to shift our attention and energy inward, we invite you to join us for ” Go Inside,” our 5 day long yoga asana and pranayama intensive. We are excited to come together, dive deep into these practices and come back to living and leading from our heart spaces. To get the most out of your immersion, please have the following props; 1 yoga chair, 1-2 blocks, 1-2 straps, 3-5 blankets, 1-2 bolsters. If you do not have access to the above resources please just let us know and variations will always be offered. All levels are welcome and we look forward to practicing with you.

In this pranayama intensive we will start from the very beginning, introducing breath awareness and the first breathing techniques on the path. We will build each day upon the last and leave you with a clear pathway to cultivate a deeper awareness of self and how the breath can be your guide, your teacher, and so much more. When one practices pranayama with sensitivity and honesty, an entire world of supportive energy can open to the practitioner. Join us for five days of self-study and open yourself to more possibility in your practice.

Students must register for the entire intensive to participate. (No Drop-Ins)

All sessions will be held live over Zoom. This is an online video platform where we can see and interact with you as we teach. Recordings will be available for those unable to attend due to scheduling. Students will be responsible for completing recorded classes BEFORE the following days session, as we will be building upon each day.


5-Day Virtual Intensive (Asana & Pranayama)

April 12-16, 2021

Time: 8:30-9:30am PST (Pranayama), 9:45-11:45am PST (Asana)
Cost: $350
Register: Please email

This intensive gives students the opportunity to dive deeper into their daily practice for 5 consecutive days. The longer class times allow us to start each day with an hour of pranayama, followed by an asana class that will take you beyond what is possible in a general class. 

If you would like to sign up for just the pranayama portion, the cost is $50. Please register through email. 

We invite you to join us in this opportunity to step into your practice with renewed appreciation, commitment and vigor. 

If you have been coming to our hour-long general classes, this is the perfect opportunity to see the next level of where a longer class could take you. 

All sessions will be held live over Zoom. This is an online video platform where we can see and interact with you as we teach. Recordings will be available for those unable to attend due to scheduling.


Women's Health 3-Day Virtual Intensive

January 22-24, 2021

Friday: 5:00-7:00pm PST (Led practice and Q&A)
Saturday: 9:00-12:00pm PST (Led practice)
Sunday: 9:00-12:00pm PST (Led practice)

Cost: $150

January’s weekend workshop, taught by Kristin Bosteels, will explore how asana can support a woman in the many cycles of her life, from menstruation to menopause.

All gender identities are welcome to join, and teachers are highly encouraged to participate. Even if you do not identify as a woman, this knowledge will help you to better support those in your life (or class) who do.

Among others, topics covered will include yoga for menstrual pain, poses to support a healthy pregnancy, relieving menopausal symptoms with asana, and yoga for breast health.

Throughout her breast cancer journey, Kristin has accumulated a vast amount of knowledge on caring for her physical and emotional being before, during, and after treatment. She is thrilled for the opportunity to share this with you.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be led practices. Please bring your questions to Friday’s Q&A session, so Kristin can best serve the needs of the group.

No drop ins. Recordings will be made available to those with schedule conflicts for 2 weeks after the live dates. Please email us if you will be needing them.


“Breath is the vehicle of consciousness and so, by its slow measured observation and distribution, we learn to tug our attention away from external desires toward a judicious, intelligent awareness.”

–BKS Iyengar

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