with Eddie Modestini & Kristin Bosteels


Get FREE Access to the 7 Day Home Practice Challenge Now!

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Dearest friends and community,

It is true that we are living in very interesting times. For many of us, our day to day routines have shifted and it’s common to feel ungrounded during times of change and uncertainty.

Simple and small routines are a way to bring back a feeling of solace and consistency into our lives and that is why we are excited to invite you to participate in our newest and free offering, The 7 Day Home Practice Challenge.

Every day for 7 days, you will receive a 30 minute video containing a simple yet potent yoga class. Each day, your class will have a special theme that will offer you some tools that we hope will assist you to move through your day with more ease and comfort.

We created this challenge not only as an opportunity for you to rise up and step into your power but also to encourage you to care for yourself and make yourself a priority regardless of external circumstances. We believe in the power of a simple and consistent yoga practice.

Yoga can be a great tool in our lives if we are willing to take that first courageous step and arrive on the mat with an open heart and mind.

So please join us in this fun and free challenge and explore the benefits of a regular yoga practice right from the comfort of your own home!

Invite your friends and family or anyone who you feel would benefit from participating in a special opportunity like this. All levels, ages, body types and gender identities are welcome. 

We look forward to practicing with you!

With Love and Gratitude,

Eddie & Kristin

What Our Students Have Experienced

What's Included


Establishing a steady and strong foundation is key to a successful and sustainable yoga practice. This 30 minute practice is designed to get you familiar and comfortable with foundational standing poses ( the most important poses in yoga!)


We will continue building a strong base and further explore more foundational yoga poses.


Now that you have established a solid foundation, we can begin to take a closer look and work with specific areas of your body that might contain congestion, like the feet, knees and hips.


The neck and shoulders are common areas in the body that easily get tense. Today you will learn some poses that begin to work with opening up the neck and shoulders to help ease and soften any built up congestion.


You are only as young as your spine. Spinal health is key to living and moving comfortably in your body. This is a great class to practice for overall back health and to help reverse the effects of sitting for long periods of time. Feel free to practice this class regularly, especially if you are finding yourself with chronic spinal discomfort.


We all experience certain levels of anxiety at different times in our life. In this class we are going to show you some poses that can help you work with anxiety. Our hope is that this practice is one that you can revisit and that gives you some simple and healthy tools to reach for during those times in your life that feel fast and overwhelming.


Restore and replenish your nervous system in this comforting and quiet yoga practice. As important as movement is for your body, stillness and peace are of equal significance. When we are still and quiet we get a rare opportunity to begin to deeply feel and know ourselves in a different and profound way. We often tell our students to incorporate at least one restorative class per week to encourage balance and peacefulness in their practice and being.

Why This 7 Day Home Practice Challenge is For You:

What You Will Gain:

Get FREE Access to the 7 Day Home Practice Challenge Now!

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What Our Students Have Experienced

Any Questions?

Please feel free to email us with any and all questions. If you have not yet attended one of our classes, we encourage you to join us Monday-Friday on Zoom for our morning donation classes or visit our Youtube Channel.

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